TELL Course Materials
Find your class below.
The Bible: The Work of the Savior (WS)
In this course, we will focus on the week when the Son of God gave His life for us and resumed it on the third day.
The Bible: In the Beginning (ITB)
In this course, we will learn about creation, the human race, the plan of salvation and the origins of the people of Israel.
The Bible: The Chosen Nation (CN)
In this Old Testament course, we will see how God made a great nation out of the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The Bible: The Fallen Nation (FN)
In this course, youβll learn about idolatry and the disobedience of God's people and the consequences.
The Bible: The Coming of the Savior (CS)
In this course, we will study the arrival of God's Anointed One to the earth and the principles of Jesusβ ministry.
The Bible: The Christian Church (CC)
In this course, youβll learn about the obstacles the disciples faced in carrying out the great mission instructed by the Savior.
Jesus' Teachings: The Ten Commandments (TC)
In this course, youβll learn more about God's law and its application for a believer today.
Jesus' Teachings: The True God (TG)
In this course, we share God's word that holds clear answers for the question, "Who is God?". We will see God's great love for humanity.
Jesus' Teachings: Sacraments & Prayer (SP)
In this course, we will study the blessings of baptism, the Lord's Supper, and prayer.
Legalism: Enemy of Grace (LE)
In this course, we will clear up the common confusion: We are right with God because of Jesus - not our works!
Spiritual Identification (SI)
In this course, we evaluate Godβs Word to develop and confirm a believer's Spiritual Identity.
The Word Grows: Living as a Disciple (LAD)
In this course, it is our privilege to walk alongside Jesus' disciples as they teach us what it means to follow Him.
The Word Grows: Disciple Makes Disciples (DMD)
"Go and make disciples..." said our Lord. In this course, the last course of Discipleship, we will learn how to go and make more disciples.
The Word Grows: Multiplying Disciples
In this Course, we will look at the chains of disciples β how God multiplied believers in the early Christian church.
The Word Grows: Multiplying Ministers
The purpose of this Course is for students to learn how to identify, train, call, and engage others in ministry. So that we can βdo.β
The Word Grows: Multiplying Churches
In this Course, we will talk about how to multiply churches as well as the concept of the church.
Let Us Worship 1: The Biblical Principles of Worship (BPW)
The purpose of this Course is to share the deep meaning of everything that is done in a worship service.
Let Us Worship 2: Worship in Practice (WIP)
This Course presents us with some tips to put into practice for a worship solely based on the Word of God.
Psalms as a Devotion
The Epistles